Red White and Blue Pages
Local Veteran Owned Businesses and Veteran Friendly Businesses
Please consider supporting the businesses that support Veterans!
Supporting Local Business is Good For Kenosha!
Public Service
Arts and Literature
Bars & Restaurants
Business to Business
Construction / Home Improvement
Home Goods / General
Military / Veteran Organizations
Please contact us for information about advertising your Local Veteran Owned business for FREE! We know what our dependents went through while we served, so we also consider businesses owned by Spouses and Children of Veterans. Submissions should be 600 X 225 px.
Important information about this page:
Only advertisements for local, legitimate business will be considered on this website. The Officers of American Legion Post 21 reserve the right to refuse submissions that they feel are offensive, inappropriate, or represent anything contrary to the American Legion Constitution, especially the Preamble. The appearance of an advertisement on this page does not necessarily constitute a recommendation of the business by The American Legion, or American Legion Post 21, Kenosha, nor can they be held responsible for the work preformed by these business. With that being said, we do think that veteran owned business are a cut above.
The American Legion Veterans Employment and Education Commission Award
The National Veterans Employment & Education Commission annually presents several awards at The American Legion’s national convention to honor employers who hire veterans, disabled veterans and older workers. Those who help veterans find employment are also recognized.
The awards include:
- Employer of the Year – Small Business, Mid-Sized Business and Large Business
- Employer of the Disabled Award
- Employer of Older Workers Award
- Local Veterans Employment Representative of the Year
- Outstanding Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist of the Year
- Outstanding Employment Service Office of the Year
Nomination forms for each award are available through American Legion department headquarters. All entries must be accompanied by an official nomination form with no more than two pages of narrative, along with supporting documents. Departments will send reminders to all posts about nominations.
If you know of a business that you think qualifies, please contact us.