A long time dream of Past Commander Tom “Woody” Visintainer Sr. came true in May when new member John Argust came up with the idea to ask the City of Kenosha for one of their old voting boxes. Tom and others scoured Ebay, local post offices and other strange places trying to secure an old mailbox, but no one ever had any luck. Tom stated that “Now that we have one, local citizens have a convient place to retire the US flag respectfully”. “It didn’t take long to fill up, a couple of times”, said John Argust who has added maintaining the container to his list of things to do.
Creative Designs Custom Signs, LLC donated the custom beautifully done lithographs. Everyone was very surprised and happy about how they turned out. Make sure you support business that support The American Legion. Creative Designs ad is featured in our Red, White, and Blue Pages.
If you live west of Green Bay Road, Friends Hobby Shop / 8501 75th Street / 262 671-0131 has a collection basket in their store so you don’t have to come all the way downtown to retire your flags.
See Joe States Article in the Kenosha News here for more details. You may need an e-subscription.