ATTENTION: Post 21 is going to have a VIRTUAL Member Meeting on Tuesday, January 19th at 7pm.

We will be using ZOOM for the meeting. The Facebook stream will be available as usual if you just want to listen in.


I plan on having a dry run on Monday, January 18 at 7pm if you want test your equipment. Keep a lookout for an email from for login information and a job aid. You can also use that email address if you have any questions or concerns.

It might not be obvious from this main page, but we have been adding and changing a lot of the pages you can find under the Main menu. If you don’t see them on your mobile device you have to press the “Hamburger” ( the three lines on top of each other next to the word Menu) to get to the full Menu.

Be sure to check out these recent entries: Pearl Harbor Remembrance 2020 under the History Menu and our new community Menu which features a holiday video made by Post Financial Officer and Judge Advocate Steve Tindall.

Have a Delightful Holiday Season, and a Very Happy New Year!

On Tuesday, September 19, 2020 a ceremony was held by the Kenosha County Veterans Council at the Moose Lodge / Hero’s Cafe to announce their yearly awards.

2nd Vice Commander Philip Morris and Al Vittori with their 2020 Kenosha County Veterans Council awards. 

Among the award recipients were Post 21 Second Vice Commander / Service Officer Phillip Morris who won the Veteran of the Year Award, and 25 Year Post 21 Member Al Vittori, who was honored with the Lifetime Achievement of the Year. Other award winners were, Civilian Organization of the Year, Festival Foods on 80th St, Veteran Service Organization of the Year, Kenosha VFW Post 1865, and Auxillary of the Year, Sonja McClure.

The awards were presented by County Board Supervisor, District 10, Andy Berg. The KCVC Annual Banquet Ceremony scheduled for this past March had been cancelled due to the pandemic.

Both Past Commander Lewens and Commander VIsintainer have decided to cancel the Member Meeting for tonight Tuesday, July 21, 2020.   There will be more communications to follow.  In the mean time, please keep an eye on our website, and especially our Facebook page.  

I’m turning off comments for articles. I have to deal with too much spam, and there are never any real comments. I will turn them on in the future if requested. In the mean time, the “Contact Us” Pages is a great way to bring something to our attention. If you would like to contribute to an existing or publish one yourself, please let us know.

There’s a new page located under the “Home” menu that will hold our post newsletters. Note that we accept articles from all members of Paul Herrick, Post 21, ALA Unit 21, SAL Squadron 21, and posts Legion Riders for the newsletter and this website.

Please put the word out to people you know that are not internet active. 

Please keep in mind that the officer biennial elections (every two years) are coming up. Start thinking about nominations. Also start thinking about what the American Legion can do to help in this crisis.

We may have to do a lot of things a little differently (i.e. via social media) but we are veterans, we Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.

Welcome to our new website. We hope it is useful to our members, all veterans, and the public. Just as a Navy ship coming out of dry dock still needs a lot of work before she’s ready for action, so does this site. All hands are necessary to make sure we are battle ready. So secure the needle guns and paint brushes, ready the special sea and anchor detail, and giver her a good shakedown. Please take a good look and give us your comments and suggestions in the comments section, email, or even wrap a piece of paper around a spanner wrench and throw it at us. It’s time to bring our Preamble to the Constitution to life.

Underway, shift colors!

At the December Member Meeting last night, Ray Andersen, A retired U.S. Marine, gave a presentation about the TLS Veterans. I think it is fair to say that we were all pretty impressed at the scope of their organization. For myself, I am still bewildered at how much time and effort gets put into these programs. It’s truly awesome.

TLS Veterans is a Chicagoland veterans organization, but their reach extends into Kenosha County. If you know of a veteran that needs help, you would be doing them a great service to get them into contact with these folks!

If you have questions for Ray, he can be reached at (815) 679-6667 or

Their website is