Thinking About Joining Post 21
Besides the great things The American Legion does Nationally and in Wisconsin, here in Kenosha, we want to make Post 21 the seat of patriotism in our great city. We want it to be a place for Veterans to come for help. We want it to be a place to have social events for the community and our families, and we want it to be a place to just gather and swap Sea/War stories.
If you want to Join, I suggest you join from the the National site by just clicking the Join button. If you do it that way, your credit card and personal information is in one place. Here at Post 21, we will never have to ask you for personal information or your credit card information. They even have subscription Plans and a Paid up for Life (PUFL) plan. After you do that, just let us know by using the Contact Us page above, or better yet, showing up at our monthly meeting on the Third Tuesday of each month or contacting us for Zoom credentials to join the meeting online (during the pandemic / and if you are physically unable to attend).
We understand that the word out there is that if you go to the Post you are going to be “volunteered” to do everything, and maybe there is some truth to that, but from my experience, you only do what you want to do. I have been doing a lot because I am retired and I like to keep busy. Keeping this website running and facebook updated is my idea of fun. Cleaning the post after a rental is just a workout without gym fees to me, BUT WE UNDERSTAND IF YOU CAN”T HELP US CLEAN UP.
That said, currently, we really could use some help in the following areas
- Our Historian Gerry Jones, could use some help cataloging the Post History we have been hunting and gathering recently.
- Online Research about Kenosha and the American Legion. Did you know that if you have a Kenosha Public Library Card, you have free access to local Newspaper archives and a library addition of and other research tools, Online, right from your home? Check it out here:
- We are planning on a pretty big event for Pearl Harbor Day 2021 to Honor our Post’s namesake Paul E. Herrick, a son of Kenosha, who was the first person from Kenosha to die during WWII on the USS Arizona. We could use some ideas for fundraising and planning.
- We place flags on veteran graves on Memorial Day. If you would like to help out, please use the Contact Us page.
- On Flag day, we have our annual United States Flag retirement ceremony for unserviceable flags. We are planning a special event this year, and just your presence would be very much appreciated.
- We are always looking for Articles for the this website and our facebook page.
- What do you thing we should be doing for our City and for your fellow veterans?
Again if you have any questions Contact Us, we would be happy to hear from you!