I just sent out to ZOOM credentials to all members. If you did not get the email, I probably do not have your correct email address. Contact me via adjutant@alpost21.com and I’ll get you squared away. Hope to see you there.

ATTENTION: Post 21 is going to have a VIRTUAL Member Meeting on Tuesday, January 19th at 7pm.

We will be using ZOOM for the meeting. The Facebook stream will be available as usual if you just want to listen in.


I plan on having a dry run on Monday, January 18 at 7pm if you want test your equipment. Keep a lookout for an email from adjutant@alpost2.com for login information and a job aid. You can also use that email address if you have any questions or concerns.

“About 2 weeks before Christmas on Dec 11th, I looked out my window on the 3rd floor of the Harbor Park condos to look for the US flag and the VFW flag that usually fly on top of the American Legion Post 21. It’s become a habit to check the flags for the wind direction and weather conditions before I head out for the day, even in the winter, since I learned to sail when I moved downtown a couple of years ago. The weather had been terrible for a couple of days with lots of rain and heavy winds so when I looked out and didn’t see the flags posted on that Dec 11th, I didn’t think much of it. I figured there had been a tornado warning a couple of weeks before, the weather had been consistently bad for a couple of days, and although I have never NOT seen the flags posted, I figured they had been taken down to be protected from the nasty weather we were having lately. I headed out to grab a coffee. My route took me past the American Legion and I looked up to see the American flag draped across the front of the building and whipping around in the wind.

Pulley Failure

About 5 years ago I watched a youtube video called Star Spangled Banner As You’ve Never Heard It. It explains really well to the regular citizen why it’s so important that the flag never touches the ground and why the flag is so respected. My daughters and I rewatch it every 4th of July.

Secondly, one of my father’s most prized possessions was his VFW flag. He was a Vietnam veteran and never talked about the war until very late in his life. One thing he did tell me was that he was not treated well when he returned from Vietnam. He passed in Nov 2017 from complications from Agent Orange. I learned over the later years how important VFW/MIA was to him.

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It might not be obvious from this main page, but we have been adding and changing a lot of the pages you can find under the Main menu. If you don’t see them on your mobile device you have to press the “Hamburger” ( the three lines on top of each other next to the word Menu) to get to the full Menu.

Be sure to check out these recent entries: Pearl Harbor Remembrance 2020 under the History Menu and our new community Menu which features a holiday video made by Post Financial Officer and Judge Advocate Steve Tindall.

Have a Delightful Holiday Season, and a Very Happy New Year!

On Tuesday, September 19, 2020 a ceremony was held by the Kenosha County Veterans Council at the Moose Lodge / Hero’s Cafe to announce their yearly awards.

2nd Vice Commander Philip Morris and Al Vittori with their 2020 Kenosha County Veterans Council awards. 

Among the award recipients were Post 21 Second Vice Commander / Service Officer Phillip Morris who won the Veteran of the Year Award, and 25 Year Post 21 Member Al Vittori, who was honored with the Lifetime Achievement of the Year. Other award winners were, Civilian Organization of the Year, Festival Foods on 80th St, Veteran Service Organization of the Year, Kenosha VFW Post 1865, and Auxillary of the Year, Sonja McClure.

The awards were presented by County Board Supervisor, District 10, Andy Berg. The KCVC Annual Banquet Ceremony scheduled for this past March had been cancelled due to the pandemic.

When we wore the uniforms of our country, and for those that still do, we did not wear our uniforms to political events.  We did not endorse a candidate or party with our name, rank and branch of service.  The United States military was and is, apolitical.

The American Legion adopted this policy when it was founded.  The Legion cannot be effective if we appear as a political organization, we must be apolitical.  If you use social media to share your political views, please remove any Legion related apparel, etc., from your profile picture.

We served to protect the right to vote.  Volunteer for your candidate, consider becoming a poll worker, use social media express your views, be involved in the political process.  When this election is over, remember we are all Americans.  One Nation Indivisible.

VOTE, and encourage others to do the same.

For God and Country,
Larry Lewens, Past Commander, Post 21

Because of the pandemic, member meetings have been cancelled until January. That does not mean that we are not active. We are working on improvements to the kitchen to enhance our ability to earn funds necessary to fulfill our primary mission of helping Veterans, our community, and our country. As soon as the Executive Board approves the minutes I’ll be sending out a summary.

We have some plumbing work that needs to be done, and Jerry Jones is back as the Historian Committee Chairman. He has done a outstanding job of saving and organizing our Post history, and we have started a project to digitize articles and pictures. Anyone interested in helping out should contact us.

Paul Herrick Post 21 has the honor of hosting the 1st District POW/MIA Silent March this year, and because of recent events we would like to make it a special one.

We, the stewards of Paul Herrick Post 21, paid for by the citizens of this great city, continue to serve the United States of America. We made an oath to this country that did not stop when we changed into civilian clothes. We have the responsibility to make the Post a bastion of patriotism in downtown Kenosha. We also have the responsibility to be a voice for those that gave up their voices for our country. No matter what political party, race, religion, or sex, we stand as one honoring those that did not come home yet.

Let us never forget.

Join us on September 19th, 2020 at 9:00 am in front of the Post.
Registration & Assembly: 9 AM
Silent March: 11 AM
Ceremony: 11:30 AM

For more information Contact, 
Tom Visintainer at 262-620-5646

We will be dedicating another POW/MIA Honor Chair at the Kenosha County Center on the corner of Highway 45 & 50 at 1600 on Friday, September 18. We are inviting all American Legion members and friends to attend. Please help get the word out.If you have any questions please let me know.

September 18th, 4:00 PM
Kenosha County Center
19600 75th St, Bristol, WI 53104-9772, United States


Steve Tindall
Rolling Thunder Chapter 2 Wisconsin

Both Past Commander Lewens and Commander VIsintainer have decided to cancel the Member Meeting for tonight Tuesday, July 21, 2020.   There will be more communications to follow.  In the mean time, please keep an eye on our website, and especially our Facebook page.