Please put the word out to people you know that are not internet active. 

Please keep in mind that the officer biennial elections (every two years) are coming up. Start thinking about nominations. Also start thinking about what the American Legion can do to help in this crisis.

We may have to do a lot of things a little differently (i.e. via social media) but we are veterans, we Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.

As most of you know, Past Post 21 Commander, and Sons of the Legion post 21 Vice Commander Jon Sutter, lost his battle with cancer on March 1st. This Saturday, March 7th starting at 10 am to Noon, there will be a visitation at American Legion Post 21 504-58th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin. A funeral service with full Military Honors will follow. Please come celebrate Jon’s life with his Legion Family and Friends.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to American Legion, Paul Herrick Post 21. 

I hope you’ll excuse the lateness of this article, but while putting together the slide show that I had running during the Chili Cook-off last week, I ran across a great many veteran related graphics about the Black History Month celebration. This was what I came up with for the slide…

If you have something like this that you would like to post, please contact us! We sure could use your help.

Welcome to our new website. We hope it is useful to our members, all veterans, and the public. Just as a Navy ship coming out of dry dock still needs a lot of work before she’s ready for action, so does this site. All hands are necessary to make sure we are battle ready. So secure the needle guns and paint brushes, ready the special sea and anchor detail, and giver her a good shakedown. Please take a good look and give us your comments and suggestions in the comments section, email, or even wrap a piece of paper around a spanner wrench and throw it at us. It’s time to bring our Preamble to the Constitution to life.

Underway, shift colors!

The Second Judicial District of Wisconsin Veterans Treatment Court gave special recognition to post member Joe Campolo for his one year of service as a Veteran Mentor. The award was presented this past December.

The mission of the Veterans Treatment Court of the Second Judicial District of Wisconsin is to honor veterans by restoring them to a productive life by providing judicial support, treatment and supervision thereby enhancing public safety.

Give Joe a pat on the back when you see him!

At the December Member Meeting last night, Ray Andersen, A retired U.S. Marine, gave a presentation about the TLS Veterans. I think it is fair to say that we were all pretty impressed at the scope of their organization. For myself, I am still bewildered at how much time and effort gets put into these programs. It’s truly awesome.

TLS Veterans is a Chicagoland veterans organization, but their reach extends into Kenosha County. If you know of a veteran that needs help, you would be doing them a great service to get them into contact with these folks!

If you have questions for Ray, he can be reached at (815) 679-6667 or

Their website is

I attended an Elderly Financial Scam class put on by the Twin Lakes Police Department today at 1430. Capt Hall and Officer Ebert gave the class. It was very informative and I didn’t realize how many of our elderly were affected by this. The elderly person does not have to be family. It could be someone who is a Veteran or civilian.

I am trying to find out who the P.O.C. for Kenosha PD and Kenosha Co Sheriff’s Office is so we can get this information to our elderly. If you have information, let us know so we can post it. Maybe we can get a class here in town.

If the named Departments have problems getting a case put together, there is a retired Kenosha PD Det who works for the County of Kenosha Department of Human Services. Her name is Diane Walton, Financial Abuse Investigator. Her number is (262)-605-6619. The calls made to her are confidential and she can get information easier than the Police can because she is not required to have a warrant.

So if you see, hear, or suspect that an elderly person is being financially scammed, get ahold of KPD or Diane. She is more than happy to take your call.

Consider attending one of these classes out in the County or otherwise if you hear about. Bring your elderly friends and relatives. They are free.

At 4 P.M. on Saturday, December 7, 2019, American Legion Paul Herrick Post 21 will honor its namesake with a ceremony at the Post located at 504 58th Street. Join us as we renew our Pledge of Allegiance, sing the National Anthem, and hear about the attack and the man the Post honors to this day. Additional live music will be performed along with the sounding of Taps by Bugles Across America. Light refreshments will be offered upon the conclusion of the ceremony.

I’ve been delinquent lately concerning updates to this website as I’ve been trying to rebuild it using more modern software.  What I’m not to busy for though is to tip my hat to Tom Visintainer for organizing the various Veternans Day ceremonies that were held at the post this past week.  It looks like the Kenosha News thought he did pretty good too because we got the front page.   Big shout out to the Kenosha Area Vietnam Veterans Honor Guard and the active members who made it possible.